Doing Something

I have been talking  about 'doing something'  for a long, long time.  As much as the prospect of having an ever changing work schedule and finding self satisfaction in the fronting and facing of retail store shelves  appeals to me...not!  I admit it's time that I made some money.  But how?
I am responsible for the care and feeding of two awesomely brilliant, utterly adorable boys (more about them later).  So I'm really not making up excuses when I say that a typical retail job is pretty much out of the question. What about a home based business?  I'm hear to tell you that all those 'click for money' setups really are a waste of time, a lot of time.  Next! Okay,  the experts preach to "do what you  love."  "What do I love, what do I love..." I think to myself as  I scan over all the stuff I've gathered around me over the years. It becomes obvious to me that I have a tendency to collect pretty things that catch my eye, kinda like a magpie.  It doesn't have to be something small and sparkly (but it could be); big and beautiful works, too. I notice a trend while I mentally categorise this, that and the other: I gravitate toward things that once belonged to someone else before belonging to me.  Like my 100 year old piano that was left to rot on someone's porch that now sits cozily in my family room, or the dozen or so plates adorning my kitchen walls from tourist attractions throughout California that made it into someone's suitcase, only to later be donated to the Sally Ann.  Or the virtual treasure chest of  vintage clothes I have bulb!  Why don't I sell my fabulous finds on the Internet?  Like that flirtatious little black dress with the chiffon pleating that is just hanging around, waiting for a chance to swing again, or those sweet boots that were custom made (if anyone tells you your feet will be the same size they were after you have a baby, they're lying) for my former feet. I know what you're saying- "Doesn't everybody and their grandmother try to sell vintage stuff on the Internet?"  I completely agree, but I don't live in Seattle or San Francisco, or (insert any number of trendy cities here). I am not setting out to conquer the world, just my world.  I believe my little piece of Heaven in the heart of the  Okanagan  still has room for little fish like me to take a chance and dive into unknown territory. The online  store idea is really just a fleck in the Big Picture; I  have a vision of Perch Online evolving into Perch Travelling Boutique! (You heard it here first! (unofficially) Trademarked  January 5, 2012.)  Picture chip truck (or lunch wagon, depending on what part of the county you're from) meets hip boutique.  Perch is the place to find your new favourite blouse or that perfect gift for a friend , or be seen near the shores of Okanagan Lake (stress free shopping with a view!). So, with the help of a few contributions to the cause (like Miss Mannequin, my  model that is suffering from a severe case of peeling paint)  from sympathetic friends and a cheap digital camera, I am perched to ride the wave of the pop up shop phenomenon.  Step 1:  Create Online Shop.  So join me fashionistas, deal finders, treasure hunters, voyeurs and dreamers  on my journey from ho hum housewife (did somebody say housewife?) to enthusiastic entrepreneur..

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